Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter!

What a busy week we had last week.  Last Wednesday we dyed Easter eggs.  Well, mommy and daddy did because we didn't want it to get everywhere.
 Stella still had a great time!

Saturday, we headed to Columbia to spend time w/ Grandma and Papa Stroman.  We went to a local egg hunt/carnival that several churches in the area put on (my mom's church included) and Stella enjoyed it so much.  She loved picking the dandelions when we arrived (as she does in our own yard!) but this time she wanted to give it to Papa.  Sweet girl!!

 Grandma and Stella went to find a balloon animal.
 They had a cute little puppet show as well as singing, bounce houses and other fun activities for the children.
 Stella had a BLAST!  This is one of my favorite things she does..."HURRY!" as she likes to say, all while her right arm is going back and forth faster than her little legs will carry her.
 Stella, Daddy and Papa enjoyed hot dogs and snow cones.

 Then it was time to find the Easter eggs.  The egg hunt didn't start for another hour and a half so the nice ladies let Stella sneak in and pick up a couple since we were about to leave. 

 Sunday morning we came downstairs to see what the Easter Bunny had brought us.  WOW - the D's must have all been good girls and boys or either the Easter Bunny sure does love us!
 After enjoying Papa's yummy breakfast, we all got dressed for church.  Stella got to wear the bracelet Grandma and Papa gave her for the first time.  And she got to carry the Easter purse Aunt Lynn gave her.  She was definitely a beautiful princess.
 After church, we posed for a few family pics.  This is my cousin's little girl, Reese.  Stella adores her and they have a fun time together.

 We are so blessed to have my Granny and Granddaddy in our lives.  What an inspiration they are to others.
 All the grandchildren and great-grandchildren with Granny & Granddaddy.
 The whole Stroman clan.
 The D's
 The Salonich's and The D's
 After lunch in Columbia with the fam, we headed back home and had dinner with Kyle's fam.  His Aunt Lynn was in town from Texas so it was nice to be able to visit with her while she was here.
 Stella went on an egg hunt when we arrived and ended up with lots of goodies in her eggs.  About $10 and a few goldfish. :) Lucky girl!

We had such a great weekend and are so blessed to be surrounded by our loving families.  We missed those we couldn't be with, but hope we can see everyone soon.

Easter is a wonderful time of year.  While we enjoyed dying Easter eggs, wearing pretty dresses and getting excited to see what the Easter Bunny brought us, we can't forget the real reason we celebrate Easter.  Easter is a time to celebrate the birth, life, death and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in Him will have eternal life." ~ John 3:16 What an amazing sacrifice Jesus made for us.  He gave his life so that we may live forever in Heaven with Him.  I'm truly grateful to serve such an amazing God and I pray that as Stella grows older she will understand the true meaning of Easter.

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