Thursday, January 25, 2018

What's In My Head?! Part II

My craniotomy was scheduled for Tuesday, November 28.  Did I mention my neurosurgeon was a cutie pie!?  We had heard so many wonderful things about Carolina Neurosurgery and Spine Associates and I seemed to be somewhat at peace until I signed the paperwork the morning of my surgery.  Not sure if I thought the doctor would be doing the surgery laparoscopically or what, but I saw the word "skull" and I knew then that the doctor would be cutting into my skull to remove the cavernoma that bled.  After that moment, I was super emotional but tried to remain strong and remember that "God's got this!"

After surgery, I remember waking up and thinking "Don't it feel so good to be alive!" and "God is so good.  God is so good.  God is so good, He's so good to me."  I was alive and I was awake!  It felt wonderful!  They wheeled me back to my room to recover and my mom and Kyle entered the room.  We talked and chatted and laughed a bit.  It was crazy that I had just had brain surgery and yet I was laughing and talking with them.  The nurse came in and said "they want you to go home around noon so you let me know when you're ready to get up and try and use the restroom." Um, WHAT?!  Didn't I just have BRAIN SURGERY and you're trying to rush me out of here?!  Hold the phone lady!

A few hours went by and I was able to sit up, eat a bit, and eventually head home around 2 - 3 p.m. that afternoon.  Talk about shocking!  Brain surgery at 7 a.m. and home by 3 p.m.  Truly a miracle!

I can't thank our family and friends enough for all of the love, thoughts, prayers, meals, gift baskets, cards, text messages, phone calls, visits, flowers, and even taco pillows that we were showered with following my surgery.  I've cried tears of joy and gratitude on multiple occasions.  It was truly overwhelming to see how loved we are and we are forever grateful!

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